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How to Avoid Back Pain Shopping


How to Avoid Back Pain Shopping

When You Shop

  •    Remember that it is better to have a lot of smaller bags than just one large heavy bag.  If you have several lightweight bags, it allows the distribution of weight evenly throughout your body.  
  •    Place heavy items at the bottom of your bag and lighter items at the top.
  •    Hydrate yourself.  Drink lots of water.  Lack of water in the body causes muscle spasms and thickness in blood.  Both conditions play a role in poor healing and inflammation.  Be sure that you drink enough water that you have to urinate at least 3-4 times in a day.
  •    Frequently drop off bags to your car, so you are not carrying too much.  
  •    Do not shop during busy times in order to avoid bumping into people, or others may unintentionally push you.
  •    Prepare yourself for shopping ahead of time so that you do not have to hurry, thus placing yourself under stress.

How to Avoid Back Pain Caused by Stressful Shopping

  •    It is a good idea to wear layers if you are going from cold outdoors to warm indoors.
  •    Before and after a long day of shopping, do not forget to stretch.
  •    To provide good arch support for your feet, wear comfortable shoes. 
  •    Do not be shy to ask for help if ever you are having a difficulty reaching or carrying merchandise at a store.
  •    Do not forget to bring necessary items like your credit cards and other important cards.
  •    Bring a friend or a family member to accompany you.  He or she can help you to carry those heavy bags.
  •    Throughout your day of shopping, have at least 30-minute frequent breaks.
  •    Avoid coffee breaks.  Research studies show that caffeine promotes spasms. It can also cause muscles to be inflamed especially if you already suffering from muscle damage.
  •    As much as possible, avoid shopping with small kids.  If you do, it will create additional stress for you while shopping.

Stretching periodically during shopping or long outings can help loosen and relieve tight muscles in the mid-back and low back.  Couple that with regular chiropractic care to ensure proper back alignment. 


How to Avoid Body Aches While Shopping

  •    You can spread out your toes as wide as you can, then hold for at least a minute before bringing them back to normal.
  •    While standing on one foot, rotate the opposite ankle for few seconds.  Do this to the other foot.
  •    Lean forward on your toes, keeping your legs straight. Stretch your calves by bending your knees, just five to ten degrees, and then making them straight.
  •    Make the muscle in your thighs and bottom tighter, hold for five seconds and then release.
  •    Tuck in your butt while sticking your belly out.  Just a few seconds, switch and stick your butt out. You may think that this pelvic tilt is just a very small movement, but it can be great for taking off the pressure from your low back.
  •    Roll your shoulders back more than a few times and then stretch out your chest by pushing your shoulder blades together. Again, do it several times.
  •    Open both of your hands as wide as you can.  Hold for just 3 seconds and then gently close them.
  •    Aside from stretching. Change your stance every 3 to 5 minutes.  This shifting will give your body a posture break.

According to chiropractors, there are three main stressors that can cause spinal misalignment:

  1.    Physical movements such as repeatedly twisting to one side to another can create traumas in the muscles and bones.
  2.    Chemical or toxins in foods that we eat can cause changes in the muscles.
  3.    Stress that can induce tension in muscles.

Chiropractic Care is a Safe Treatment Option for Back Pain

Chiropractic treatment is well-known and recognized.  It is drug-free and noninvasive.  Whether it is joint pain in the arms or legs, headache, and other musculoskeletal conditions, chiropractic care is very effective.

A lot of patients feel instant relief after chiropractic treatment.  But some may experience slight soreness after treatment.  

Beyond Wellness Chiropractic Center checks will restore the alignment by using chiropractic methods that are specific to your condition. Call us today!

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