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Lower Back Pain

Low Back Pain and Chiropractic

Low Back Pain and General Symptoms

Almost everyone has experienced lower back pain at some point, it is considered to be a universal human experience.  The lower back starts below the rib cage and consists of the long curved bones that surround the chest, also known as a lumbar region.  Pain in the lower back can be extreme and it is one of the leading causes of an inability to work. 

Symptoms of pain range from dull aches to piercing sensations that make it very hard to move or stand.  The pain starts suddenly, usually after lifting a heavy object or following a sports injury. Chronic pain lasts for more than three months. You should be attentive to warning signals if the pain does not get better after three days, consider seeking chiropractic care. 

Pain following a fall should be immediately checked out by a medical professional. Other symptoms such as a loss of bowel movement, fever, pain when coughing or urinating, and loss of bladder control also suggest immediate medical attention.

Muscle Strain vs. Sciatica

Muscle strain can happen after lifting heavy objects.  On the other hand, back pain relating to a bulging disc is called sciatica. Sciatica includes symptoms of numbness, weakness, or leg pain that pass through the lower back via the sciatic nerve, particularly at the back of the leg.

Job-Related Low Back Pain

If your job requires heavy lifting, pulling, or anything that strains the spine, you are more likely to be impacted by low back pain.  Likewise, sitting at a desk for a prolonged period of time can lead to pain at the lower back, or worsen an existing problem.  This is true especially to those people who tend to use a non-ergonomically designed office chairs that are lacking in back support.


Low Back Pain and Your Bag

Despite the fact that you are just hanging your bag over your shoulders, it is the lower back that suffers whenever you carry heavy-weight bags. Overstuffed bags can injure the lower back, especially if you tend to carry it day after day. Try switching to a rolling or wheeled bag if you require an overstuffed bag daily.

Low Back Pain and Exercise

Overdoing an exercise is one of the most common causes of lower back pain.  You are more likely to experience pain if you tend to be motionless on weekdays and then you exhaust yourself at the gym on the weekend.

Low Back Pain and Posture

Slouching posture can cause too much pressure on muscles, joints, and discs.  Your back supports weight when you don’t slouch. If you want to have a good posture, keep your shoulders back, open your chest and keep your back straight while you sit. 

Low Back Pain and Herniated Disc 

A herniated disc develops when a weakened disc ruptures or bulges causing pinching in the nearby nerve. The pain may radiate to other parts of the body, especially from the low back to the leg, or from the neck to the arm.

Chiropractic and Low Back Pain

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that has been proven effective in musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders by means of non-surgical treatment.  The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, or NIH, has recognized chiropractic can provide relief to lower back pain.  Chiropractors use spinal or manual manipulation to alleviate lower back pain by applying pressure to the bones and nearby tissues.  

Why Choose Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care allows the body to heal naturally on its own. Painkillers and steroid injections only mask the pain you are experiencing in your low back. If you continue to go about your daily activities, while just masking your lower back pain, you will continue to injure your back and spine. This can cause serious damage, leading to more problems in the future. Chiropractic care wants to find the root of your pain, not just mask your symptoms. Your chiropractor will take the time to look at all aspects of your body and health to determine what is causing your pain. Then they can treat the root of the problem, to get you back to feeling better and enjoying your daily activities without pain. Here at Beyond Wellness Chiropractic Center, P.C. we want to know your health-related goals. We want to know how your pain is affecting your job, your recreation, your relationships, and your daily household chores. By understanding how your pain is affecting these areas and understanding your goals, we can develop a treatment plan specifically for your needs. This way, you are no longer masking the pain, but fixing the problem.


Chiropractic and Low Back Pain

Skilled chiropractors do their best to help ease their patients’ symptoms with as few treatments as possible.  They will also advise you on how to avoid future occurrences of pain.  

During the consultation, it is important to ask any questions necessary for you to better understand the diagnosis, the treatment program, and the chiropractic examinations performed.

It is also important for the chiropractor to know the brief synopsis of your lower back pain.  You should provide the duration and frequency of symptoms, areas of pain, what makes your pain feel better or worse.  

If you have lower back pain, call Beyond Wellness Chiropractic Center and see our top-rated chiropractor in Charlotte, NC.  We will explain the cause of the pain and bring you the best care.

“From my experience, personal connections and continuous care are the most important things. Therefore I always take the time to get to know my patients.”

Dr. Kevin Lyons

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