Stress Relief Through Acupuncture
Everyone is looking for stress relief. Stress is part of our lives each and every day and can affect people in different ways. Do you bottle it in and then feel like you’ve lost control or do you just go with the flow as if it doesn’t affect you? The way we respond to stresses will either help us or hurt us if we don’t change it. Some take prescribed medication for stress relief, and others take herbal supplements. More and more people have found acupuncture to help with stress relief as well as anxiety.
Acupuncture is a tried and true method that’s been around for thousands of years. It may also help your ability to respond to stress. It works on the same pathways and can help reduce mild to severe stress response as well as anxiety. To much surprise, acupuncture doesn’t hurt. Most people don’t even notice the needles are there. In a 30 minute acupuncture session, you may experience immediate relief of symptoms of stress and anxiety.
How could this be? People who have struggled with high stress and anxiety often ask how it works. During a stress response, the body gives off different hormones to initiate the “flight or flight” response. Acupuncture may help block these elevated hormone levels. By blocking them, the person may experience a calming effect or the ability to respond to stress. This helps provide stress relief to the affected person. Stress and anxiety are linked to a number of health conditions. The cardiovascular system and nervous system are just a couple of examples of what stress affects. That’s why it’s so important to find stress relief. If you are interested in acupuncture for stress relief, call our office today.