Though acupuncture is much more common in the U.S. today than a couple of years ago, there is still some sense of skepticism about it. Being a chiropractor and acupuncturist in Charlotte NC, I’m often asked a lot about acupuncture and how it works. The important thing to know is that for almost all patients, acupuncture is a safe, relaxing and cost effective approach to alleviating many problems or symptoms. Whether you have or have not had acupuncture treatment before, if you are pregnant you may be wondering if this is even something you could consider right now.
The good news is that not only is acupuncture an acceptable method for pregnant women to use, but can help with some of the issues you deal with during this time. It can help women feel less discomfort from conditions that are new due to pregnancy or per-existing issues that have flared up or worsened due to pregnancy.
Many people also experience relief from pregnancy pain through acupuncture? How about:
- Morning sickness
- Heartburn
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
Even the overly active emotional changes you feel or psychological issues you may be working with during your pregnancy.
Experience the Benefits
When you work with a reputable Charlotte chiropractor to receive acupuncture during your pregnancy, it can be a rewarding experience. Many of the common issues women deal with during this time and assume they will have to cope with can be helped.
Why choose acupuncture during pregnancy? The answer is simple. Aside from being a relaxing, comfortable and enjoyable experience, this can aid with problems nothing else can help. During your pregnancy you should avoid taking prescriptions unless otherwise ordered by your doctor, and even limit the amount of over the counter medications you take.
These are things you are accustomed to relying on to alleviate certain conditions. Unlike ingesting pills into your body, however, acupuncture offers the drug-free more natural approach to helping with what ails you.