Bulging Disc and a Chiropractor
Several things can go wrong with the neck, back and spine. There also may be no rhyme or reason as to why a person can be subjected to crippling pain from problems in this region. Not to mention there is no definite profile of a person who may have to suffer through problems with their back, neck or spine. The healthiest and most fit young athlete can suffer back spasms. Someone who endured a neck injury from an auto injury years prior can suddenly have a flare up. Alternatively, a person in peak physical shape can have a minor accident and still suffer serious back or neck problems and pain.
A common problem you hear come up in the world relating to chiropractic care is bulging disc. This can also lead to a herniated disc. This and pinched nerves can all go hand in hand to cause back pain and problems you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. As you can imagine anything involving the disc or vertebrae can lead to serious pain and problems. Ironic how the smallest parts often lead to the biggest pain. Unfortunately, in some cases, if the disc is too deteriorated, surgery may be the only option. A laminectomy or discectomy may be the only solution if the pain and the problem of the bulging disc has been going on for some time untreated.
How to Deal with These Conditions
You could go to your family practitioner but are more than likely going to end up leaving with prescriptions for painkillers or muscle relaxers, all expensive and potentially addictive. Treating bulging discs or other back problems with pills only masks the problem. The trick is to use an approach that can help alleviate this, and for a prolonged amount of time.
Working with a chiropractor is a way to treat these problems and see actual results. Your chiropractor can work with you to devise a plan of action to take to help treat your bulging discs. The sooner you start, the sooner you can feel relief.