Neck Pain Relief from a Charlotte Chiropractor
At some point in your life, you may be in need of neck pain relief. Neck pain may occur from sleeping wrong the night before or working at the computer too long. Neck pain may even range in pain level from minor to severe. In severe cases, neck pain can cause pain to radiate down the arms and into the fingers. As a Charlotte chiropractor, we mostly see neck pain arise from working at a computer for 10 or more hours per day. Even sitting for long periods at a time can cause neck pain. The stresses of our day to day lives as well as poor posture can also cause tension and tightness in the neck and upper back. Luckily, there is neck pain relief in Charlotte!
Chiropractic adjustments can help with neck pain relief. According to a recent study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, patients receiving regular chiropractic adjustments for chronic neck pain experienced significant decrease in pain. Chiropractic care involves a thorough health history and examination to determine the course of treatment. A chiropractic adjustment helps realign the part of the spine that is misaligned. More often, the misalignment can cause the neck pain in the first place. Once the patient is out of pain, the chiropractor helps provide exercises and rehab to help improve posture. The rehab exercises not only improve posture, but help recurrence of the neck pain.
What should you expect from your first visit? Our Charlotte chiropractor sits down with you and performs a complete health history. He then performs a through physical exam to determine the etiology of the pain. Sometimes, x-rays are taken to rule out any other problems. From here, the chiropractor adjust the neck and apply therapy to aid in neck pain relief.
To be seen by our very own Charlotte chiropractor, call Beyond Wellness Chiropractic Center, P.C. today and say goodbye to neck pain for good!