If you have tried everything to treat your hip pain and it did not work, try acupuncture. A lot of people find acupuncture is very helpful when they have exhausted all other options.
Acupuncture treats hip pain and sciatica. Hip pain has many different causes. Including arthritis, nerve damage, sacroiliac joint tightness, or sciatica.
The sciatic nerve is found from the spinal cord to the hips and buttocks through the back of each leg. Sciatica pain may be the same as low back, hip or leg pain. It is a symptom of primary nerve abnormality, usually due to a herniated disc. You are likely to experience referred pain with sciatica.
Symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness, or shooting pains in the back or legs. With regard to cause, sciatica is more often related to the spine rather than the hip joint. Other causes include spinal stenosis, herniated discs, tightening of the piriformis muscle, displaced vertebrae or spondylolisthesis.
When cartilage breaks down, pain due to osteoarthritis occurs. Another type is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease. This type of disease is caused by immune cells acting on the body’s own tissues.
Rheumatoid hip arthritis happens when the immune system attacks the hip joints. Additional causes of hip arthritis include aging, injury, and overuse. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, loss of flexibility, bone spurs, and sensation in the joints.
Fluid-filled bursae protect the space between bones. Hip bursitis happens when these bursae become swollen. Causes include pain in the hips when moving, swelling and redness of the hips.
• The hip pain occurs suddenly
• A fall or other injuries triggered the hip pain
• The joint seems deformed or is bleeding
• A fall or other injury triggered the hip pain.
• You heard a popping noise in the joint when you injured it.
• Your pain is intense.
• You are not able to put any weight on your hip.
• You can’t move your leg or hip
The aim of acupuncture is to reduce inflammation, increase movement of the joint, decrease spasms, and strengthen weakened muscles. The treatment involves stretching and massage techniques.
You will receive diet and exercise advice based on your individual needs.
Some cases of severe hip pain or osteoarthritis may need to be directed to a doctor and may require a surgery, but this should not be your first option.
Chiropractic care may help you delay any need for surgery. The earlier you get the treatment, the better. You can visit Beyond Wellness for an appointment today.